Distinct from God, and Indistinct from God

The Gift of Life: Death & Dying, Life & Living DVD set offers a vision of hope and a view of reality that counter the cultural norms that view death as a tragedy, or the end of living, or an entry into harsh judgment and retribution. These videos are out-takes from the video series and presented here for your enrichment. A new video will be presented every Monday.

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FR. CARL – You hear it said that death is seeing the face of God…

FR. THOMAS – What does the face of God mean? The face of God is just a metaphor for the presence of God. So, the presence of God is precisely this house that is we actually are in because it includes the whole of creation. But it is a house that has different levels of identification with the owner. The owner is the house actually in this case, but we’re using metaphors in trying to understand that we’re both distinct from God and indistinct from God at the same time according to the teaching of [Meister] Eckhart and [Raimon] Panikkar and others of the great Christian mystics.


Distinto a Dios y no distinto a Dios

PADRE CARL – Se dice frecuentemente que morir es contemplar la faz de Dios…

PADRE THOMAS - ¿Qué significa la faz de Dios? Es simplemente una metáfora para referirse a la presencia de Dios. Ahora, la presencia de Dios es precisamente esta casa que habitamos, porque incluye la totalidad de la creación. Pero esta es una casa que tiene diferentes niveles de identificación con su propietario. De hecho, el propietario es en realidad la casa en este caso, pero estamos usando metáforas para comprender que somos a la vez distintos  y no distintos a Dios, según las enseñanzas de Meister Eckhart y [Raimon] Panikar, entre otros de los grandes místicos cristianos