The Gift of Life: Death & Dying, Life & Living DVD set offers a vision of hope and a view of reality that counter the cultural norms that view death as a tragedy, or the end of living, or an entry into harsh judgment and retribution. These videos are out-takes from the video series and presented here for your enrichment. A new video will be presented every Monday.
English Transcript
Everyone coming into the world passes through stages of human development that are obvious – infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, elderly, old age, and then the process of dying. And our present culture has the greatest difficulties in dealing with it since the nature of our culture emphasizes the continuance of life and the greatest measure of success or enjoyment and comfort mistaking pleasure or gratification of those desires for happiness, but their actual nature is that they are impermanent and they are passing and they may reach a certain satisfaction, but they gradually disappear and, in the end, one finds oneself inevitably dying and letting go of one’s estate, if one has one, in the sense of not having time to finish some things you wanted to, and so, surrender seems to be the key.
Cuarta Semana de Pascua: Dejar Ir
Cada uno que viene al mundo pasa por las etapas de desarrollo humano que son obvias – infancia, niñez, adolescencia, edad adulta, vejez, ancianidad y entonces el proceso de morir. Nuestra cultura actual tiene grandes dificultades en tratar con esto ya que la naturaleza de nuestra cultura enfatiza la continuidad de la vida y la mayor medida de éxito o disfrute y comodidad confundiendo el placer o la satisfacción de esos deseos por la felicidad, pero su naturaleza real es que ellos son transitorios y que están pasando, ellos puede que alcancen cierta satisfacción, pero gradualmente desaparecen y, al final, uno se encuentra inevitablemente muriendo y dejando ir su propio patrimonio, si es que uno lo tiene, en el sentido de no tener tiempo para terminar algunas cosas que querías, y por lo tanto la clave parece ser el abandono.