God Wants to Be You

This is part of a weekly series based on Fr. Thomas Keating's talk "The Evolution of the Contemplative Christian Spiritual Journey" from the 2012 Contemplative Outreach Annual Conference in Snowmass, CO, "God is All in All."

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We'll know if there's anything what we should do in the concrete – and there will be – it means

that God is in everything, with everything, without being identified with anything completely. He's

always God, but this is the extraordinary capacity of this “Whatever Is Is” that he can be everything

in particular and totally present to everything that has been created, and yet totally free not to be.

That means he's free to be you or not to be you. But the fact that you are here suggests that he

decided he wanted to be you. He wanted to experience human nature in your uniqueness and to

manifest in your life and death and whatever is after death, this total openness to being God too.

Semana de noviembre 18 – Dios quiere ser Nosotros

Sabremos si hay algo que debamos hacer en concreto, y lo habrá. Quiere decir que Dios está en todo, sin estar completamente identificado con nada. Es siempre Dios, pero la extraordinaria capacidad de “Lo que es, es”, es que puede serlo todo en particular, y estar totalmente presente en todo lo que ha sido creado, y sin embargo ser totalmente libre de no ser. Eso significa que es libre de ser nosotros o no serlo. Pero el hecho de que estamos aquí sugiere que ha decidido que querría ser nosotros. Ha querido experimentar la naturaleza humana en nuestra singularidad, y manifestarse en nuestra vida y en nuestra muerte, y en lo que sea que sigue a la muerte, una total apertura a ser, también, Dios.