The Gift of Life: Death & Dying, Life & Living DVD set offers a vision of hope and a view of reality that counter the cultural norms that view death as a tragedy, or the end of living, or an entry into harsh judgment and retribution. These videos are out-takes from the video series and presented here for your enrichment. A new video will be presented every Monday.
English Transcript
The invitation to share the divine life coming from its source is the invitation to become fully human according to the divine plan in the sense to live human life in a divine way ... to know the source of all the marvelous beauty and goodness of the universe and to develop the human potentials and especially this capacity for a relationship with the Ultimate Reality.
Semana del 25 de marzo – Semana Santa: La Invitación a ser Plenamente Humano
La invitación a participar de la vida divina que viene de su fuente es la invitación a ser plenamente humano de acuerdo con el plan divino en el sentido de vivir una vida humana de una forma divina…para conocer el origen de toda esta belleza maravillosa y la bondad del universo y para desarrollar el potencial humano y especialmente esta capacidad para relacionarse con la Realidad Ultima.