Voices of Grace & Gratitude are joyful expressions of grace and gratitude from the worldwide community of Contemplative Outreach for the gift of Centering Prayer in their lives and its meaning for all creation. A new video will be presented every Monday. May they serve to lift your hearts.
English Transcript
For about eight years I had a Buddhist meditation practice and then I heard about Centering Prayer and Contemplative Outreach and I knew immediately that it was for me! So, through the teaching of Fr. Thomas [Keating] I learned that contemplative prayer is my heritage as a Christian. And so, Contemplative Outreach is not only my community now but our ancestors and the community of saints. I learned from them not only through their love and worship of God but also through their experience of God which is the deep-abiding love that’s ever-present to all of us, all of the time. No matter where we think we’re going on this journey, the experience of love encourages us and leads us into a life of contemplative service so that no matter what it is that we do we do out of the love of God and that’s what we contribute to the world.
La Oración Contemplativa – Patrimonio de todos los cristianos
Durante aproximadamente ocho años practiqué meditación budista, y luego escuché acerca de la Oración Centrante y Contemplative Outreach ¡y supe inmediatamente que era para mi! Así es que, gracias a las enseñanzas del Padre Thomas [Keating] aprendí que la oración contemplativa era parte de mi herencia como cristiana. Ahora Contemplative Outreach no es solo mi comunidad sino que también representa a mis ancestros y a la comunidad de los santos. He aprendido de ellos, no solo de su amor y adoración a Dios sino también de su experiencia de Dios, que es ese amor imperecedero siempre presente para todos nosotros en todo momento. No importa hacia dónde pensemos que nos dirigimos en este viaje, experimentar el amor nos alienta y conduce a una vida de servicio contemplativo, de tal modo que cualquier cosa que hagamos la haremos por amor a Dios, y esa será nuestra contribución al mundo.