Journey to Oneness are wisdom words from Fr. Thomas Keating spoken during the filming of his last DVD series That We May Be One in July 2016. Some are included in the series; others are from footage published here for the first time. A new word will be posed every Monday throughout the year. May they serve to inspire hope and lift your heart.
English Transcript
It is important for us, as committed to the Christian religion and the Christian contemplative mystical tradition, to think of what non-duality really means for us. I think it is the Christian word for enlightenment or transformation or awakening, and it, of course, has a very strong conceptual background. The idea of non-duality that is understood today appears often in all the great mystics and in the sacraments and liturgy of the church it is implied, and it needs to be more deliberately expressed in our times insofar as this terminology is the one that is being used in spiritual circles today. And so, non-dual originally is the idea that the separate-self sense disappears and so everything that happens is the direct experience of reality, without being necessarily a great experience. It is just being able to lead ordinary life without thinking of oneself. So that when you look at a tree, it is the tree and not you looking at the tree, which is the normal response of our rational intellect
Semana del 3 de junio– La No Dualidad desde una Perspectiva Cristiana
Es importante para nosotros, comprometidos como estamos con la religión cristiana y la tradición mística contemplativa cristiana, pensar qué significa realmente para nosotros la no dualidad. Creo que es la palabra cristiana para la iluminación, o la transformación, o el despertar y, por supuesto, tiene un trasfondo conceptual muy definido. La idea de la no dualidad tal como se la entiende hoy en día aparece a menudo en todos los grandes místicos y está implícita en los sacramentos y la liturgia de la Iglesia, y necesita ser expresada más deliberadamente en nuestra época, dado que esta terminología es la que se está empleando hoy en los círculos de espiritualidad. Originalmente, la no dualidad es la idea de que el sentido de un yo separado desaparece, y por lo tanto todo lo que sucede es la experiencia directa de la realidad, sin que necesariamente sea una gran experiencia. Se trata sólo de llevar una vida ordinaria sin pensar en si mismo, de tal modo que, cuando miremos un árbol, sea el árbol y no nosotros mirando el árbol, que es la respuesta normal de muestro intelecto racional.