Journey to Oneness are wisdom words from Fr. Thomas Keating spoken during the filming of his last DVD series That We May Be One in July 2016. Some are included in the series; others are from footage published here for the first time. A new word will be posed every Monday throughout the year. May they serve to inspire hope and lift your heart.
English Transcript
So, if you accept the view that this is a dynamic experience, that the self can keep on growing, then it becomes a true Self in the image and likeness of God, then there is the possibility that there is only one Self. There is only God. There is only one Self, or one consciousness in fact. And in the light of those scientific discoveries, if there is one consciousness, it is the infinite unlimited consciousness of God, which is shared with every creature according to its capacity. God is present in everyone, relating to them where they are, but nudging them to move beyond, especially humans to the unbelievable share in the divine beatitude. And what is that? It is ultimately sacrifice. That is maybe one way of looking at the universe.
Sacrifice means the total giving away of whatever self you have, and in the Trinity there are three in one – but what it says is that God the Father gives himself totally away to such a degree that there is nothing left of him. He becomes nothing, except all potentialities. And the Word, like a thought arising in us and becoming crystallized and clear and then expressed is the Word of God, the Son of God that remains in God, like some great inspiration we might have. And the Holy Spirit returns all received from the Father in the love of the Holy Spirit, so there is nothing in God except total sacrifice of all that is the divine nature itself.
Una Forma de Ver el Universo
Si aceptamos el punto de vista de que esta es una experiencia dinámica, que el yo puede seguir creciendo, y que finalmente se convierte en el verdadero Yo a imagen y semejanza de Dios, entonces existe la posibilidad de que sólo haya un Yo. Sólo hay un Dios. Hay un solo Yo, o de hecho una conciencia, la infinita e ilimitada conciencia de Dios, que comparte toda criatura según su capacidad. Dios está presente en todos, y se relaciona con todos allí donde estén, impulsándolos a moverse más allá - especialmente a los seres humanos - a la increíble posibilidad de compartir la bienaventuranza divina. ¿Y qué es eso? Es en última instancia el sacrificio. Esa es una forma de ver el universo.
El sacrificio significa la entrega total de cualquier yo que tengamos, y en la Trinidad hay tres en uno – pero lo que dice es que Dios Padre se entrega totalmente a tal grado que no queda nada de Él. Se convierte en nada, excepto toda potencialidad. Y la Palabra, como un pensamiento que surge en nosotros y se cristaliza claramente y luego se expresa, es la Palabra de Dios, el Hijo de Dios que permanece en Dios, como una gran inspiración que pudiéramos tener. Y el Espíritu Santo devuelve todo lo recibido por el Padre en el amor del Espíritu Santo, de modo que no hay nada en Dios excepto el total sacrificio de todo lo que es la misma naturaleza divina.