Journey to Oneness are wisdom words from Fr. Thomas Keating spoken during the filming of his last DVD series That We May Be One in July 2016. Some are included in the series; others are from footage published here for the first time. A new word will be posed every Monday throughout the year. May they serve to inspire hope and lift your heart.
English Transcript
Science, without knowing it or without intending it, has reinforced some of these great mystical intuitions, and there are several wonderful books about it and you have Ilia Delio’s explanation of evolution, which is crucial to this idea of the stages of consciousness. And there is never going to be absolute certainty, and probably there should be a number of different ways of doing this, since God is infinite and trying to find out what it is like being human, becoming a human being to do so. It means that God’s diversity is manifested in the multitude of reactions and ideas of humans. And this diversity is not meant to lead to wars, as it has in our human history, but to the enrichment of perceiving God from the infinite number of perspectives that human beings, potentially infinite, can perform.
So science, in my observation, is becoming more and more a prophet of our time and telling us things about God we never knew, because we did not have an understanding of how the world works and humans function until fifty or a hundred years ago. And it is expanding very fast. So, science then is reinforcing those mystical views, and we are invited to participate in the maximum degree of our possibility.
La Ciencia como Profeta de Nuestro Tiempo
La ciencia, sin saberlo o sin intención de hacerlo, ha reforzado algunas de estas grandes intuiciones místicas, y hay muchos y maravillosos libros acerca del tema. Tenemos la explicación de Ilia Delio sobre la evolución, que es crucial para aplicarla a la idea de los niveles de conciencia. Y nunca habrá absoluta certeza, y probablemente haya un número de maneras diferentes de hacerlo, ya que Dios es infinito, y está tratando de descubrir cómo es ser humano, y para hacerlo, volverse un ser humano. Eso significa que la diversidad de Dios se manifiesta en la multitud de reacciones e ideas de los humanos. Y no se supone que esta diversidad conduzca a las guerras, como lo ha hecho en la historia humana, sino al enriquecimiento que significa percibir a Dios desde el infinito numero de perspectivas que, siendo potencialmente infinitos, los seres humanos pueden adoptar.
O sea que la ciencia, según lo que observo, se está volviendo cada vez mas un profeta de nuestro tiempo y nos está diciendo cosas acerca de Dios que nunca supimos, porque hasta hace unos cincuenta o cien años no entendíamos cómo funciona el mundo y como funcionan los humanos. Y se está expandiendo muy rápidamente. La ciencia está reforzando esas intuiciones místicas, y somos invitados a participar en el grado máximo de nuestras posibilidades.