Love Matters are wisdom words from Fr. Thomas Keating spoken during the filming of the new series God is Love: The Heart of All Creation. Some are included in the series; others are from footage published here for the first time. A new word will be posted every Monday throughout the year. May they serve to inspire hope and lift your heart.
English Transcript
Fr. Carl: What would you like to say to the community that you're part of?
Well, I can only say what the elders in monasteries have always said, which is, "Persevere," meaning keep doing it - rain or shine. Since meditation is not only pleasant, but also purifying, don't be surprised by the ups and downs of our subjective experience and just accept what happens. This is when you actually consent, you're giving away any control whatsoever over the results of what you are doing. It's allowing that consent to be purified by the Spirit who will send us inwardly and outwardly the external people or teaching or books or trials that we need. Hence, that bottom line to that teaching is to place all our trust in God and in his love and in his determination to bring this about.
La cuestión fundamental
Padre Carl: ¿Qué querría decirle a la comunidad de la que es parte?
Bueno, solo puedo decir lo que nuestros mayores en los monasterios siempre han dicho, que es, "perseveren", lo que significa que sigamos practicando, llueva o truene. Ya que la meditación no solo es placentera, también es purificadora. No se sorprendan de los altos y bajos de nuestra experiencia subjetiva y simplemente acepten lo que sucede. Cuando realmente damos nuestro consentimiento estamos cediendo absolutamente todo el control sobre los resultados de lo que hacemos. Permitimos que ese consentimiento sea purificado por el Espíritu, interiormente y exteriormente, por medio de las personas o las enseñanzas o los libros o las pruebas que necesitemos. Por lo tanto, la cuestión fundamental en la enseñanza es depositar toda nuestra confianza en Dios y en su amor, y en su determinación para llevar esto a cabo.