Love Matters are wisdom words from Fr. Thomas Keating spoken during the filming of the new series God is Love: The Heart of All Creation. Some are included in the series; others are from footage published here for the first time. A new word will be posted every Monday throughout the year. May they serve to inspire hope and lift your heart.
English Transcript
So instinct then is another factor that God has created and that he lets the natures follow their usual procedures. In this case we can’t apply our own judgments from a human perspective to some of nature’s more brutish expressions - like when we see a lion chasing a doe we usually take the part of the doe and hope that she’ll get away but, in actual fact, the lion has no dislike of the doe. It’s just time for lunch and it has to eat something and that’s in the food chain part of its evolutionary process. So animal instinct does God’s will as it’s enshrined in their consciousness which is not human consciousness but is some awareness of reality.
El proceso evolutivo instintivo
El instinto es otro factor, entonces, que Dios ha creado y por el que permite que la naturaleza siga su curso natural. En este caso no podemos aplicar nuestro propio juicio desde una perspectiva humana a algunas de las expresiones más salvajes de la naturaleza – como cuando vemos a un león perseguir una gacela y deseamos que pueda escapar, pero de hecho el león no tiene nada en contra de la gacela. Es simplemente la hora del almuerzo y debe comer algo, y es parte de la cadena de alimentación de su proceso evolutivo. El instinto animal cumple con la voluntad de Dios tal como está consagrada en su conciencia, que no es como la humana sino como un cierto conocimiento de la realidad.