This is part of a weekly series entitled “Habits of Heartfulness” based on outtakes from the filming of Heartfulness: Transformation in Christ with Thomas Keating. The filming took place in 2007 and supplements an earlier series by the same name in 2011.
English Transcript
Our identity is so penetrated and suffused and transformed and glorified itself, that there is nothing but Christ. No motive but Christ. No love but Christ. But Christ’s love includes everything else. And the love of everything else. So there’s no separation of anything that was good in our lives, or any relationship that was good in our lives; or if it wasn’t so good, that’s healed also in this process. So that the ultimate consciousness, then, begins to be: “There is no other.” There is just God who is all in all. And this “no-otherness” is not the rejection or diminution of the loss of anything that was good, but rather the elevation and enhancement and assimilation of everything. So that all is good becomes utterly suffused by the divine goodness and enhanced to infinite degree. So that we can say with Paul, “It hasn’t entered into the mind of a human being what God has prepared for those who love him.” And what God has prepared is to transform us into himself. To glorify in us everything that was his gift, and to enable us to relate to everything.
Thomas Keating: KEATING: Yes, well nobody speaks more clearly about deification or . . .
Flowers: Divinization is another word that’s used.
Keating: . . . divinization than Jesus himself. He prays that we may be one with, even as the
Father and he are one, which is being infinitely one, so I don’t know how much farther you can,
or extreme you can go than that. So, it seems to me those texts should be studied more
thoroughly. … The Orthodox Christians are not bashful about this at all. … The whole
consciousness of this person, empowered now to act in a God-like way, or to live human life in
a divine manner, following the example and empowered by the Spirit of Christ, our
consciousness is going to start expanding in spaciousness, in height, length, breadth and depth.
And the love of Christ which encompasses all these directions, is incorporating us in this super,
Cosmic vision of life that is sometimes called cosmic consciousness, or Christ consciousness,
depending on what you mean by those terms to make sure they’re sufficiently comprehensive.
But it means the presence of Christ in everything,
Semana de marzo 23 – La Naturaleza de la Conciencia Crística
Nuestra identidad están tan penetrada, impregnada, transformada y glorificada que no hay otra cosa que Cristo. No hay otro propósito que Cristo. No hay otro amor que Cristo. Pero el amor de Cristo incluye todo lo demás. Y el amor a todo lo demás. Así que no somos separados de nada que era bueno en nuestra vida; o si no era tan bueno, también es sanado en este proceso. De modo que la conciencia máxima, entonces, comienza a ser “no hay ningún otro.” Sólo existe Dios que es todo en todo. Y este hecho de que no exista otro no significa un rechazo o una disminución o perdida de nada que era bueno, sino la elevación y exaltación y asimilación de todo. Así que todo lo que es bueno es cubierto completamente por la bondad divina y realzado infinitamente. Entonces podemos decir con Pablo, “no cabe en la mente de un ser humano lo que Dios preparó para los que le aman.” Y lo que Dios ha preparado es transformarnos en Si mismo. Glorificar en nosotros todo lo que fueron sus dones, y permitirnos relacionarnos con todo.