Journey to Oneness are wisdom words from Fr. Thomas Keating spoken during the filming of his last DVD series That We May Be One in July 2016. Some are included in the series; others are from footage published here for the first time. A new word will be posed every Monday throughout the year. May they serve to inspire hope and lift your heart.
English Transcript
The Scriptural Model, which acknowledges our faults, but says very clearly that Christ has come to take these away, and that basically, we are already in God, and you cannot possibly exist—any creature whatsoever—without God being in you, since God is everywhere. Although theology taught this in the Middle Ages, it was the mystics who understood what this meant.
In the Scriptural Model, grace is here now, all the time, and is present not only in the sacraments in a major way, but is trying to be present and inspire all our activities.
The doctrine of the Divine Indwelling is the way that this is usually expressed in Christian circles: With God’s presence within us, all the time, always inspiring us, always having been given as the result of Christ’s redeeming activity, to see oneself as an unworthy object is just plain wrong.
Ascetical people are those very eager for transformation in the case of the Spiritual Model or the Gospel Model, or who want the rewards of this life or heaven if they are in the Western Model are in two different worlds.
El Modelo Espiritual en las Escrituras
El modelo que presentan las Escrituras reconoce nuestras faltas pero afirma claramente que Cristo ha venido a quitárnoslas, y que, básicamente, ya estamos en Dios y no podemos existir – así como ninguna criatura - sin que Dios esté en nosotros, ya que Dios está en todas partes. Aunque la teología enseñaba esto durante la Edad Media, fueron los místicos los que comprendieron lo que significaba.
En el Modelo de las Escrituras, la gracia esta aquí, ahora y todo el tiempo; y está presente de forma decisiva no solo en los sacramentos, sino que también trata de estar presente y de inspirar todas nuestras actividades.
La doctrina de la Inhabitación Divina es la forma en que esto se expresa habitualmente en los círculos cristianos. Con la presencia de Dios dentro nuestro, todo el tiempo, inspirándonos constantemente, que nos es dada todo el tiempo como resultado de la acción redentora de Cristo, el hecho de vernos como objetos indignos es claramente erróneo.
Los ascetas son aquellas personas que anhelan la transformación, en el caso del Modelo Espiritual o Modelo del Evangelio, o las que quieren recompensas en este mundo o en el cielo, en el caso del Modelo Occidental, y estos son dos mundos diferentes.