Love Matters are wisdom words from Fr. Thomas Keating spoken during the filming of the new series God is Love: The Heart of All Creation. Some are included in the series; others are from footage published here for the first time. A new word will be posted every Monday throughout the year. May they serve to inspire hope and lift your heart.
English Transcript
There is only one self, ultimately, and this is God manifesting in us and this manifests most effectively when we’re not thinking about ourselves at all. It’s just being who you are as a human being and who you are is a rational animal that is being deified in communion with all other human beings. So we are influencing other people by our personal work on ourselves, not for our own sake, but for the transformation of the whole human family.
La Verdad del Único Ser
Hay un único ser, en última instancia, y es Dios, quién se manifiesta en nosotros y lo hace más efectivamente cuando no pensamos en absoluto en nosotros mismos. Sólo se trata de ser quiénes somos como seres humanos, y en realidad somos animales racionales que estamos siendo deificados en comunión con todos los otros seres humanos. Eso quiere decir que, mediante nuestro trabajo personal en nosotros mismos, no somos sólo nosotros los beneficiados, sino que estamos influyendo en otras personas, y ayudamos a la transformación de toda la familia humana