Voices 17: Dr. Nicholas Cole, Arkansas

Voices of Grace & Gratitude are joyful expressions of grace and gratitude from the worldwide community of Contemplative Outreach for the gift of Centering Prayer in their lives and its meaning for all creation. During this year of celebration of the 30th anniversary of Contemplative Outreach, a new video will be presented every Monday. May they serve to lift your hearts.

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Centering Prayer has helped me to accept myself as I am and, in that process, I’ve become able to accept others as they are. I started experiencing the patient more as a whole person and not just as something to zero-in on – in my case – the eye exam. Those eyes were attached to a body and there was a spirit in that body. So, it’s enriched my entire life.


La Oración Centrante me ha ayudado a aceptarme a mi mismo tal como soy, y en ese proceso me he vuelto capaz de aceptar a los otros tal como son. Empecé a percibir a los pacientes más como personas totales y no solamente como algo en lo que enfocar mi atención – en mi caso, en el examen ocular. Esos ojos estaban sujetos a un cuerpo, y había un espíritu en ese cuerpo. Así que ha enriquecido mi vida entera.