Voices of Grace & Gratitude: Bringing God’s Presence from the Depths of Our Being to a World Crying Out for It, Fr. Joseph Boyle

Voices of Grace & Gratitude are joyful expressions of grace and gratitude from the worldwide community of Contemplative Outreach for the gift of Centering Prayer in their lives and its meaning for all creation. During this year of celebration of the 30th anniversary of Contemplative Outreach, a new video will be presented every Monday. May they serve to lift your hearts.

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As humans, our life works when we come out of our center, when we are in touch with who we are at our deepest depth, and at the very deepest part of that is where we connect with God, where God is calling us into being, and where God is manifesting through us. To the extent that we can be in touch with that, and manifest that, that's what we bring into our actions, and then bring into the world. And our world so deeply needs it. So obviously, we look around, read the newspaper, we see the immense need that we can some to a world and bring it love, and forgiveness, and trust, and generosity, and caring, in place of the greed, and the selfishness, and the unforgiving, and the resentment, and so on, that is so seemingly native to our fallen human nature. So we want to bring this God presence from the depths of our being into a world that is crying out for it.


Como seres humanos, nuestra vida funciona cuando salimos de nuestro centro, cuando estamos en contacto con quienes somos en nuestro nivel más profundo, y en la parte más profunda es donde nos conectamos con Dios, donde Dios nos llama a ser, y donde Dios se está manifestando por nuestro intermedio. En la medida en que podemos estar en contacto con ello, y manifestarlo, es eso lo que aportamos a nuestras acciones, y luego aportamos al mundo. Y nuestro mundo lo necesita tanto. Así que, obviamente, miramos a nuestro alrededor, leemos el periódico, vemos a necesidad inmensa de que podamos --- al mundo y aportarle amor, y perdón, y confianza, y generosidad, y cuidado, en lugar de avaricia, y egoísmo, y rancor y resentimiento, y así sucesivamente, cosas que son aparentemente tan típicas de nuestra naturaleza humana imperfecta. Por eso queremos hacer emerger la presencia de Dios desde las profundidades de nuestro ser a ese mundo que clama por ella.