Voices 39: Kathy Brophy, Arizona

Voices of Grace & Gratitude are joyful expressions of grace and gratitude from the worldwide community of Contemplative Outreach for the gift of Centering Prayer in their lives and its meaning for all creation. During this year of celebration of the 30th anniversary of Contemplative Outreach, a new video will be presented every Monday. May they serve to lift your hearts.

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In my daily life, Centering Prayer has shown me a world where the love of God is absolutely free. As it began to tear away all the walls that I built through my religion, through my family traditions, through my ancestry, of the dual world, the world of right and wrong, and here and there, and up and down, and winners and losers, and war and peace, and heaven and hell began to evaporate. And I was just astounded that I could live in this space which was so immensely full of the grandeur of God, to quote Gerald Manley Hopkins. And that this grandeur of God did not ask me to do anything but sit down and shut-up!


En mi vida diaria, la Oración Centrante me ha mostrado un mundo en el que el amor de Dios es absolutamente libre. Cuando comenzó a derribar todas las murallas que había construido por medio de mi religión, de mis tradiciones familiares, de mis ancestros, del mundo dual, entonces el mundo de lo correcto y lo incorrecto, del aquí y del allá, del arriba y el abajo, de los ganadores y perdedores, de la guerra y la paz, y del cielo y el infierno empezaron a evaporarse. Y yo quedé asombrada de que pudiera vivir en ese espacio que estaba tan lleno de la magnificencia de Dios, para citar a Gerald Manley Hopkins. Y que esa magnificencia de Dios no pidiera que yo hiciera otra cosa que sentarme y ¡callarme!