Voices of Grace & Gratitude are joyful expressions of grace and gratitude from the worldwide community of Contemplative Outreach for the gift of Centering Prayer in their lives and its meaning for all creation. During this year of celebration of the 30th anniversary of Contemplative Outreach, a new video will be presented every Monday. May they serve to lift your hearts.
English Transcript
I have been in Centering Prayer for many years, and I’m happy to say how wonderful it has been to know Centering Prayer. It has been the most important thing in my life. I have always looked for God. He gave me that grace. And to be able to reach this point – I will not say it is fullness – but it’s come to a very important and interesting stage in my life: of knowing God in a deeper way, that Unknowable God, as Father Keating says, ‘to know that he is,’ that he exists; and that in some way, I am part of him in the mystery, in the unknowing, and at the same time in everyday life.
He estado en la Oración Centrante por muchos años, y me alegra decir qué maravilloso ha sido conocerla. Ha sido la cosa más importante en mi vida. Siempre he buscado a Dios. Él me dio esa gracia. Y haber podido llegar hasta este punto – no diré que es la plenitud – pero es llegar a una etapa muy importante e interesante de mi vida: conocer a Dios de un modo más profundo, ese Dios Incognoscible, como dice el Padre Keating, ‘saber que es’, que existe; y que, de alguna manera, soy parte de él en el misterio, en lo desconocido, y a la vez en la vida diaria.