Voices of Grace & Gratitude are joyful expressions of grace and gratitude from the worldwide community of Contemplative Outreach for the gift of Centering Prayer in their lives and its meaning for all creation. A new video will be presented every Monday. May they serve to lift your hearts.
English Transcript
I was a very controlling person and that was hard to get over as I got older and the children grew and they were doing this and that, and there I was still telling them what to do, and how to do it. Centering Prayer has allowed me to let go. I don’t have to say anything. I think that sometimes just my presence or my presence taking in other people’s ideas without my having to be the one who has all the ideas. So, my being more quiet has enhanced my life to be a much more open person. With my son who always had something to say, he has mentioned that I’ve just sort of changed over the years. And now, I find him coming to me and saying, ‘Mom, I just want to pass this by you.’ You know, when I’ve shut-up, they have more opened-up!
La Oración Centrante y aprender a Dejar Ir
Yo era una persona muy controladora y me era difícil superarlo a medida que me hacía más vieja y mis hijos crecían y hacían esto y lo otro, y yo seguía diciéndoles qué hacer y cómo hacerlo… La Oración Centrante me ha permitido soltarlo. No tengo que decir nada. Creo que a veces es mi sola presencia, mi presencia aceptando las ideas de los demás sin tener que ser yo la que se todo. Convertirme en una persona más callada ha mejorado mi vida y me ha hecho ser una persona más abierta. Mi hijo, que siempre me objetaba algo, ha comentado que de algún modo he cambiado con los años. Y ahora encuentro que es él el que viene a mi y me dice, “Mamá, quisiera que me dijeras que piensas de esto.” Saben, al callarme yo ellos han podido abrirse!