Voices of Grace & Gratitude are joyful expressions of grace and gratitude from the worldwide community of Contemplative Outreach for the gift of Centering Prayer in their lives and its meaning for all creation. A new video will be presented every Monday. May they serve to lift your hearts.
English Transcript
My greatest joy is to introduce people to Centering Prayer and it’s ever new. You know, I don’t know how many times I’ve watched the Spiritual Journey tapes and they’re ever-new. I’m just amazed. I think well, it just never gets boring or dull. It’s as though it speaks to me in different ways each time. I think that the main shift for me has really come in returning to the word ever-so-gently. For years I just returned to the word and it was when I realized the gentleness of the returning, it was as though I had an experience of the gentleness of God and sometimes it brings – even now – quite deep emotion in me. That’s in itself has been a tremendous healing – that ever-so-gently and released me from that grim drivenness of my cultural conditioning.
Volviendo a la Palabra en la Oración Centrante
Mi mayor alegría es presentar la Oración Centrante a los que no la conocen, y siempre es una experiencia nueva. Saben, no se cuántas veces he mirado el Viaje Espiritual y siempre es como la primera vez. Me maravilla. Creo que nunca se vuelve opaco o aburrido. Es como si cada vez me hablara de distinta manera. Creo que el cambio más importante en mi realmente se ha producido al volver a la palabra muy suavemente. Es como si hubiera tenido una experiencia de la suavidad, de la amabilidad de Dios, y a veces me produce – aún ahora – una emoción profunda. Eso en si mismo ha sido inmensamente sanador – esa manera tan suave de librarme de la nefasta fuerza de mi condicionamiento cultural.