The Gift of Life: Death & Dying, Life & Living DVD set offers a vision of hope and a view of reality that counter the cultural norms that view death as a tragedy, or the end of living, or an entry into harsh judgment and retribution. These videos are out-takes from the video series and presented here for your enrichment. A new video will be presented every Monday.
English Transcript
A religion is supposed to train us, educate us, and heal the wounds of a lifetime by providing us with the tools and the inspiration and the conceptual background to surrender to the very difficult work of deconstructing our own image of who we are, what we want to be, and to allow ourselves to be open to the truth. So, this means emptying our minds of our idea of ourselves and our hearts of over attachments to finding happiness in transitory pleasures that are only an idea and which don’t deliver.
Lo que debe hacer la religión
Se supone que una religión debe prepararnos, educarnos y sanar las heridas de toda una vida suministrándonos las herramientas y la inspiración y el fundamento conceptual para que nos entreguemos a la difícil tarea de desarmar nuestra propia imagen, para reconsiderar lo que queremos ser, y para que nos permitamos estar abiertos a la verdad. Esto implica vaciar nuestra mente de las ideas que tenemos acerca de nosotros mismos y vaciar nuestros corazones de apegos que nos hacen buscar la felicidad en placeres efímeros que son solo ideas y que no pueden satisfacernos.