Journey to Oneness are wisdom words from Fr. Thomas Keating spoken during the filming of his last DVD series That We May Be One in July 2016. Some are included in the series; others are from footage published here for the first time. A new word will be posed every Monday throughout the year. May they serve to inspire hope and lift your heart.
English Transcript
Christ has become man in Jesus And he has taken the whole human race into himself by becoming human – in Paul’s teaching, he is compared to Adam – the Second Adam – and so the emphasis there is that all humanity is in Christ in a special way because through his divine nature, he cannot help but penetrate everything in humanity. And so, his experience extends to the details of being a human being: from eating lunch or having a cup of tea, walking around, taking a bath, or whatever ordinary humans are usually doing. That is what he seems to have done for thirty years. But what is clear, was that he was manifesting the love of God for human beings by becoming one with them in order that human beings might become one with God. And this is one of the classical statements of the early Church Fathers: that God become man in order that people might become God.
Semana del 10 de junio– ¿Por qué Dios se hizo Hombre?
Dios se hizo hombre en Jesús. Y ha llevado consigo a toda la especie humana al hacerse humano. En la enseñanza de Pablo se lo compara a Adán – el Segundo Adán – y por eso el énfasis allí está puesto en que toda la humanidad está en Cristo de una manera especial, porque por medio de su naturaleza divina no puede sino penetrar todo en la humanidad. De modo que su experiencia se extiende hasta los detalles de lo que es ser un ser humano –tomar el almuerzo o una taza de te, dar una caminata, tomar un baño, o lo que sea que los seres humanos hacemos de ordinario. Eso es lo que Él parece haber hecho por treinta años. Pero lo que está claro es que estaba manifestando el amor de Dios por los seres humanos al hacerse uno con ellos, para que los seres humanos pudieran hacerse uno con Dios. Y esa es una de las clásicas afirmaciones de los Padres de la Iglesia: que Dios se hizo hombre para que las personas pudieran hacerse Dios.