Opening Minds, Opening Hearts Podcast

Opening Minds, Opening Hearts is a podcast for both the curious meditator and long-time practitioner of Centering Prayer. During each episode, hosts Colleen Thomas and Mark Dannenfelser will reflect on the method of Centering Prayer and the teachings of Thomas Keating with some friends from the contemplative community who share their personal experience of encountering God through the prayer, and through their work in the world. The podcast provides new perspectives on the future of contemplative prayer in the context of the evolution of culture, technology, and consciousness.
In season three, we are shifting the dialogue to honor Thomas Keating‘s legacy of hosting interspiritual dialogues by embracing guests from various spiritual traditions. We want to learn about contemplative prayer from their perspective. In Keating’s later works and teachings, found in books like Reflections on the Unknowable, God is All in All, and his poetry penned in The Secret Embrace, Father Thomas explores Christian nonduality, or unitive consciousness, experienced as a Oneness with God and with all of creation. Our conversations this season are grounded in these common “points of agreement” that emerged amidst Father Thomas and his friends at the Snowmass Conferences held between 1984 and 2004.
Join us this season as we take the posture of student, friend, and listener. The transformative practice of Centering Prayer opens us to the infinite wisdom and experience of what Father Thomas and friends called – Ultimate Reality.
Listen to “Welcome to Season 3 of Opening Minds, Opening Hearts!” on Spreaker.
Made possible, in part by a grant from the Trust for the Meditation Process, a charitable foundation encouraging meditation, mindfulness and contemplative prayer. *To find out more about the TMP foundation, please visit: www.trustformeditation.org