Beginning Saturday July 13th 2024
Happening every Saturday 10:30 – 11:30AM Eastern Time
(2:30pm GMT)
and in your time zone at this time
You are invited to participate in an hour of practice, video teaching, fellowship and faith-sharing; in these weekly sessions facilitated by members of our Young Contemplatives community!
Fr. Thomas Keating passed on to us both the gift of Centering Prayer and his pioneering approach to integrating insights from other disciplines into an evolutionary approach to the spiritual journey.
Part of Thomas’ legacy is a series of teachings that became The Spiritual Journey Series. The program is structured in 5 parts and consists of 100 videos.
Our SJ Series Community Guidelines 
- These are open, drop-in sessions.
- No pre-registration is required.
- Anyone is welcome to join as often as possible!
- DO follow along with the sessions, viewing the videos for the previous week(s) you may have missed. You can access the full series here.
- The space will be safeguarded by a facilitator.
- Full presence required…If you are not able to participate with your camera on to be fully present to the group and those who are sharing, we kindly ask that you complete the session on your own and join us in person another week!
Save this recurring meeting link to join these enrichment sessions:
We would love if you could join us on this journey. Our presence in the collective does not simply enrich us but it can also be a service that enriches others in our community. Fr. Thomas reminds us that:
“When we are doing Centering Prayer in a group, we access the contact that each of us has already made with the divine presence within us. This is our special gift to the group. The presence of Christ becomes more powerful because of our respective contributions to the interior silence of the assembled community. The intensity of that reservoir of interior silence enriches everybody at a deeper level than they might be able to reach alone.”
~ Thomas Keating, Intimacy with God: An Introduction to Centering Prayer