Spiritual Radicals: Interspiritual Wisdom from Franciscan and Buddhist Spirituality – in person and online
June 7 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

The parallel teachings of Christ and the Buddha find a home in the spacious minds and inclusive hearts of Franciscan and Buddhist spirituality. During this contemplative day, we’ll explore how Christian saints Francis and Clare of Assisi, and Buddhist Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, invite you into the interspiritual sense that love and compassion, lifelong learning and growing, peace and social justice, and a belief that the transformation of the world begins with our own transformation, and is at the heart of all contemplative paths. Off
This program will be offered both in-person and online via Zoom. Information on how to access the program on Zoom will be sent to participants in advance.
This program will include a morning and an afternoon session of Centering Prayer.
Please see the link below to register.