No matter the outcome of this year’s US election, our nation will face tremendous challenges following months of divisive, wounding campaign rhetoric. During this weekend of intentional silence and stillness, we will seek to create a spaciousness within in order to nurture the enduring vision and experiences of the Sacred. This silent retreat will include
“One practice to bring the effects of contemplative prayer into daily life is traditionally known as “Guard of the Heart.” This consists of letting go of every emotional disturbance as it arises and before we start thinking about it. This method is more sophisticated than dismantling the emotional programs for happiness because it deals with
This retreat, called an “Intensive Retreat” by Contemplative Outreach, provides an opportunity to deepen your established Centering Prayer practice in an atmosphere of silence and community, away from the busyness of daily life, and to allow your mind, body and spirit to surrender to God’s presence and action within. It has an educational component to
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