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- This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 6 months, 1 week ago by
Adeline Behm.
- Sunday August 11: Daily Life as Practice
To Practice:
- At the beginning of your day, perhaps after Centering Prayer and lectio divina, set an intention to receive God’s presence mindfully, as bread from heaven in at least one event, task or encounter. It helps if you can take a moment before the event or task to renew that intention. At the end of the day, take a few quiet moments to review how this process went for you. Give thanks for any moments of mindful receptivity, for those morsels of bread from heaven, and ask God’s grace for the coming day. Journaling can be a big help with this.
If you wish, you may re-read the full email reflection here: https://mailchi.mp/coutreach/2024-word-of-the-week-aug11
Posted by Susan Kenney on August 11, 2024 at 10:41 am #146788
“Holiness hidden in the most trivial and mundane of events.” Every Tuesday, a small group gathers to share a meditative movement practice. It is not unusual that someone will wander in to the room and join the group. The guest is always given a silent welcome. Two weeks ago a woman joined the practice and then shared her story of living in an abusive relationship and feeling alone and hungry. One person gave her the phone numbers of helpful organizations. Someone else gave her two bus passes. And the seven year old in the room gave the woman her package of Graham crackers. No one assumed that the woman’s life would be changed in some dramatic way, but everyone (especially the youngster) in the room was changed in some small way.
Posted by linda rhead on August 11, 2024 at 10:27 pm #146793
As I read today’s meditation this morning, I was drawn to the very first sentence: When we have exhausted our resources and are quite frankly ready to give up our sense of call, or at least to walk it back to something tamer and more humanly “reasonable”, we are invited to accept our powerlessness and embrace a radical dependence on God.
Typical Sunday here. I gave my spouse a haircut (I have been barbering since the start of Covid). Launder bedding, cook, routines of a practical nature, yet deeply infused with God’s love and grace. Each task performed with my hands, met with God’s strength. I trust God strengthens me as I lean into my radical dependence. <3 linda
Posted by Adeline Behm on August 12, 2024 at 7:54 pm #146825
As I begin this week’s reflection, that women in this week’s image is so me. It seems that the images of weeks past all morph into the bold me of this image this week. From that tiny flower in leaf stage (July 14) , through the fertilization through desolation and despair (July 28), through the blessing of my true self(Aug. 4). The me in the image this week has traversed many years, my body shows the wear of the years, muscles limp and sagging, but my tray of offering is real and bold. The fish become offerings of blessing, of blessings in word, gestures and presence (being present). I can identify with the phrase: “We only must open to the Source not as a prize for the perfect but rather as loving nurture for the wounded and the weary. No matter what our situation, we can relax and receive the Divine Presence in every event, in every moment.” This morning, Rhonda took me shopping; then took my downsizing items to St. Mary’s garage sale in a part of the city where there is a predominantly indigenous, new immigrant population. Then as I re-entered my building, my home of some 80 apartments, there at the door is a younger teen eager to get the door for me and to claim his place in a new country. I am grateful to vicariously experience joy, hope, anticipation.
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