Sunday December 22: Set Aside Fear; Embrace Trust

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  • Sunday December 22: Set Aside Fear; Embrace Trust
    • Posted by pbegeman on December 19, 2024 at 5:18 pm #151270

      To Practice 

      • Prayerfully re-read these passages again in the manner of Lectio Divina, reading them aloud to engage more of your senses and feel the vibrations in your body. Gaze at the image. What do you receive for your journey now?
      • This week, take some time each day to reflect on this question: What am I clinging to that I need to set aside to make space for God’s love? Journal any insights or feelings that emerge. At the end of the week, reflect on what you’ve discovered and ask for the grace to take one step forward in setting aside fear and embracing trust.

      Merry Christmas and many blessings of Light to all!

      If you wish, you may re-read this week’s email reflection here:

    • Posted by Adeline Behm on December 27, 2024 at 5:38 pm #151422

      What have I learned about what I am clinging to? In the past year I have often said: “We can’t lose any one” Flashback to  when my mother broke her hip. I arrive at the hospital. My mother says: “Are they all behind you? I glance backward as she begins her litany of ammends. I hold all of this for my siblings and myself. Further flashback. I am maybe three and a half . My mother has to go and get the neighbors cows out of the yard. She puts baby, Jean on the bed and tells me not to let 9 months sister Jean roll of the bed. My sister Rosemarie who is 2 1/2 watches with glee mom’s efforts to get the cows out of the years. She so gleefully reports all she is seeing, begging me to come and see. I finally do so and baby Jean rolls of the bed, fortunately unhurt.” December 27 I can be like the girl in the image, going for it! free from “We can’t lose anyone”.

    • Posted by linda rhead on December 29, 2024 at 8:08 pm #151462

      “To love as God loves requires us to confront the ways we cling to control, security, and self-interest.” What does it cost me to release control, security and self-interest? De-throning myself from God’s rightful place at my center. Ouch. Yet, the spiritual journey is a surrender worth making because the gains of deep peace and trust are very real, eternally lasting. <3 linda

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