Sunday January 5: An Itinerary of the Spirit

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday January 5: An Itinerary of the Spirit

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  • Sunday January 5: An Itinerary of the Spirit
    • Posted by pbegeman on January 2, 2025 at 10:08 pm #151627


      1. As we round the bend into a new calendar year, consider mapping the journey of the Spirit in your life. You may find it easier to do this graphically, on a map with various points labeled, as a collage, or you may prefer to write it out. Include people, places, events, Scripture and other sources of God’s Word to you. Do this in a leisurely manner and note the exquisite timing of God’s directions as you ponder and then continue your own personal pilgrimage.
      2. Herod was so fearful of losing his little territory that he resorted to unspeakable violence rather than welcome the One who could bring him real freedom. There are times when our own “inner Herod” shrinks from the call of God to a deeper and more spacious freedom. Make an intention to note when this happens this week. Use the Welcoming Prayer to nudge yourself into the freedom that God intends for you on this expansive journey.

      You may re-read the full reflection here:

    • Posted by Susan Kenney on January 5, 2025 at 11:45 am #151662

      Fifty years ago I arrived in Florida to work with the American Friends Service Committee’s Farmworker Housing Program. It was quite a circuitous route to get there, through the Central Valley of California, Wilmington North Carolina, Muleshoe Texas, and finally Apopka Florida. The eight years I spent in Florida taught me about accompaniment, a lesson that has carried me ever since. Regardless of job title, I have always found the way to the “underside” of society, to offer my gifts and to recognize the gifts I found there. Times in silence, especially in community, have provided  the essential detachment and resilience. Like the Magi, I have needed guidance and route corrections along the way.

    • Posted by linda rhead on January 11, 2025 at 9:08 pm #152334

      Keating’s admonition that it is sincerity, submission to God’s inner and outer signals, and perseverance that enables us to transcend, rather than leave the path set before us. The Magi may have traveled lightly, yet they had to prepare for their extended journey. Bring only what is necessary. Trust provisions and assistance will be provided along the way. May we be overjoyed at each Star encounter this year. <3 linda

      • This reply was modified 4 weeks, 1 day ago by linda rhead.
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