Sunday March 19: Live in Light, Walk in Truth

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  • Sunday March 19: Live in Light, Walk in Truth
    • Posted by pbegeman on March 16, 2023 at 8:30 pm #133911

      Practice: Re-read these passages prayerfully in the manner of Lectio Divina, perhaps aloud to feel, hear and sense them in your body. What do you hear for your journey now? What speaks to your soul?

      You may re-read this week’s full reflection here:

    • Posted by Susan Kenney on March 19, 2023 at 9:40 am #133962

      “The First Knowing”. It is a little white candle with hands in a prayer position. The wick has long since disappeared. I feel certain that my dad gave her to me when I was very  young. I call her the first knowing, what my soul knew at my birth. The knowing that got covered over by life; by striving and doing and seeking. It is in the silence that this first knowing is gradually uncovered and my true self slowly revealed. It is a process that cannot be hurried or controlled. However, I can choose to ignore it or disrupt it by distractions or doubts. So I keep the little angel nearby as an invitation to enter the silence often, meeting the first knowing again and again.

    • Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on March 19, 2023 at 6:21 pm #133965

      this faith is the truth of God as God is in Godself and not as God is in ‘my’ self; Bernadette Roberts


      As long as I am in this body,  it is a living, breathing, sensate faith. It is BEING and all that is inside me and outside me, the whole universe. It is that longing in my heart. Yet there is also knowing, beyond thought. It is awareness but the object of awareness is everything and everybody, everywhere, at all times.

      The truth of God and being with God in godself, well, that is on the other side of the veil….I stand on this side of the veil, waiting.



    • Posted by linda rhead on March 19, 2023 at 11:43 pm #133969

      Sunday March 19: Live in Light, Walk in Truth

      How can I live the path of light, life and love single-pointedly? Silence, so I can perceive the teachers saying “this is the way; walk in it.” With loving action, usually performed outside of any limelight or notice. While it is true that “We have to walk totally alone and follow only the inner guide…”, it is also true that in prayer I unite and open x-ray eyes and see others who are on this path in faith. I attempt to perceive God in all creation. And I trust. <3 linda

    • Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on March 20, 2023 at 11:51 am #133977

      More thought on the gospel passage, though from a different angle….

      extrapolating from the condition of blindness. The Pharisees were blinded by their own satisfaction while the blind Mann could be cured because he knew he was blind. Spiritual illness is the worse handicap. Yet we are obsessed in our culture with physical illness and big big medical centers to assuage our fear of death. In medieval times, it was more important to make peace with Gid and others before death, not preventing death itself, at any cost. In the service of that living faith, Notre Dame and Charted were built. Now it’s not cathedrals. It’s medical centers.

      this has knocked my socks off for the last 24 hours. I did a deep dive into the Girardian lectionary for this moving reflection. It certainly is a corrective to the fear of physical death.

    • Posted by Adeline Behm on March 24, 2023 at 10:31 pm #134112

      I have always wondered as I gazed upon small children when suddenly something has caught their attention and they are totally lost to some inknown to me presence. It used to happened with my mother, also,  in her late 90’s. She would ask me to cut her nails. As I did this she was drawn in some private space/presence unknown to me. The image this week  spoke to me  of this place/presence, the very young are born with this sense and the very old find themselves in this space they knew so so long ago, that place B. Roberts speaks of : “Faith, the truth of God as God is in Godself, not as God in my’self- faith that comes after seeing and not before.” This presence to the very young and later once again by the very old, this presence of light was an anymous presence all along, with rare glimpses. Aftere years of consenting and through various stages of blindness this abyss of light invites until, like my mother at 102 one breath and there she was in the fullness of light/life. This week my cousin sent me a picture of Smokee, their cat, transfixed by the play of beams of light throught the window as it made little chirping  sounds of “consent”. Sending you the photo is beyond my technological self.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Adeline Behm.
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