Perhaps after a period of Centering Prayer, read through the full Gospel passage, Mark 8:27-38, in a leisurely manner. Use a form of sacred reading that makes it come alive for you. You might choose to do Lectio Divina or to situate yourself in the scene and use imaginative contemplation to let it play out in your heart and spirit. Or you might simply imagine yourself meeting Jesus for coffee, and hearing him ask that question: “Who do you say that I am?” Let the conversation flow. Whatever mode of encounter with this Scripture you choose, consider journaling during or after the experience. What happens within you? What can you take with you into your everyday life?
Practice the Welcoming Prayer when you become aware of negative thoughts, feelings, attitudes and their corresponding body sensations. What does this practice teach you about the “you” who is experiencing these reactions? Bring this to prayer.
My family and those closest friends know when I feel deeply about a topic, when I attempt to express myself, all that comes are tears.
Jesus asks, “who do you say I am, Linda?” All I can do is gaze back at Him and weep. My heart is full of love, my mouth empty of words. Somehow, I know Jesus understands this response. <3 linda
The focus on the Wednesday sharing group drifted into the question Jesus asking “Who do you say I am?”. The image this week envelopes me in a “knowing” the answer in the marrow of my bones where wordless is real, says it all. You are the “I am who I am” of the burning bush (Ex. 19); the burning bush of my earlier years has morphed into the image before me this week.
Posted by Anonymous on September 21, 2024 at 9:30 am#147776
Thanks for sharing !
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