3 events found.
Contemplative Living I: Contemplative Practices in Daily Life – via Zoom
Internet - OnlineI will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. - Ezekiel 36:26 “Contemplative life begins when we take the first step into the
Core Values of Sts. Francis and Clare: An 8-Day Dual-Track Silent Retreat
Shalom Spirituality Center 1001 Davis Street, Dubuque, IAFriday, October 11, 5:00 pm - Friday, October 18, 1:00 pm Shalom Spirituality Center Facilitators: Jeannine Kosman, Kathy Reardon, Kathleen Schiltz, and Mary Jo Pfeifer Wulf This silent Centering Prayer
Ways of Praying for Deeper Knowing
Rolling Ridge Retreat and Conference Center 660 Great Pond Road, North AndoverContemplative spiritual practice is well known for opening a path to God – a path that is itself God’s gift. However, contemplative prayer and living can also open a pathway