3 events found.
Contemplative Living I: Contemplative Practices in Daily Life – via Zoom
Internet - OnlineI will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. - Ezekiel 36:26 “Contemplative life begins when we take the first step into the
Core Values of Sts. Francis and Clare: An 8-Day Dual-Track Silent Retreat
Shalom Spirituality Center 1001 Davis Street, Dubuque, IAFriday, October 11, 5:00 pm - Friday, October 18, 1:00 pm Shalom Spirituality Center Facilitators: Jeannine Kosman, Kathy Reardon, Kathleen Schiltz, and Mary Jo Pfeifer Wulf This silent Centering Prayer
9-Day Intensive and Post Intensive Retreat
Mercy Center Auburn 535 Sacramento Street, AuburnThis retreat offers two tracks simultaneously: Intensive I and Post Intensive. For everyone, there will be 3 sets of two 30-minute periods of Centering Prayer daily. The Intensive I retreat