I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. - Ezekiel 36:26 "Contemplative life begins when when take the first step into the silence of our heart. It's a pilgrimage—a journey that takes us first to the inner reaches of who we really are, and from there, into
All are welcome! VENUE: PADRE PIO RETREAT CENTRE, PRETORIA DATE: 26 APRIL – 30 APRIL 2024 with Mary Dwyer Registration fee options: 1. Entire conference, full board, single room including banquet: R3000.00 2. Entire conference, full board, shared room including banquet: R2600.00 3. Entire conference, non-residential, meals and banquet included: R1500.00 4. Day Visitors, 09:00
Contemplative Enrichment Day with Mark S. Burrows, Ph.D. At the turn of the 15th century, Julian of Norwich received 16 “showings” as a middle-aged woman and spent the rest of her life “beholding” them. She eventually produced a book at once provocative and accessible, expanding these “visions of love.” What Julian offers is a remarkably
This is an in-person event. Workshop Highlights: - Introduces participants to the method and background of Centering Prayer - Offers two opportunities to practice Centering Prayer - Follow-up meetings offered Four Topics 1. Prayer as Relationship 2. The Method of Centering Prayer 3. Thoughts and the Us of the Sacred Word 4. Deepening our Relationship
Contemplative prayer draws us to the center of our being where Silence opens us to God's dynamic, spacious, ever-evolving reality — the God Who is, not the God we expect. In this silent retreat, through periods of Centering Prayer; contemplative practices; simple body exercises; contemplative conversation; and quiet time for reflection, reading, and walking the
1-Day Centering Prayer Retreat - Sacred Embodiment May 11th, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm CDT, offered by The Church of Conscious Harmony. Led by Sharon Johnson, this in-person retreat includes times of Centering Prayer with gentle restorative yoga and stretching. It will be held in the fellowship hall. Bring a brown bag lunch. If you
Join us, via ZOOM, for a morning with Dr. Carmen Acevedo Butcher as she guides us in this session with the purpose of deepening and personalizing our own practice, both individually and collectively, with a heart for becoming more self- and others- compassionate. Times noted are in Eastern Daylight Time. See link below to register.
The seven-day Centering Prayer Dual Track Intensive / Post Intensive Retreat offered from Monday, May 13 to Sunday, May 19, 2024, provides an opportunity to deepen the practice of Centering Prayer in an atmosphere of profound silence and community support. The Intensive track will follow the Contemplative Outreach guidelines for an Intensive Retreat including six
THREE-DAY CENTERING PRAYER RETREAT May 17 - 19, 2024 CENTERING PRAYER INTRODUCTORY RETREAT – Learning to improve our conscious contact with the God of our understanding through prayer and meditation together. – “Silence is a great common denominator between people and also between us and God. God’s first language is silence. Everything else is a
In this introductory workshop, you will learn the ancient method and principles of Centering Prayer practice in a quiet, reflective atmosphere. We will cover the history, psychology, and theology of the practice. Two prayer sessions and a question-and-answer session are included. In-person and online. $50 donation suggested. Please register using the link below.
In this season of new life and promise, it is good to take a quiet morning for Centering Prayer and silence. The day is open to beginners as well as those experienced in contemplative prayer or silent meditation. The day provides time for communal prayers with contemplative walks, time for private journaling, reflection, and an
Sourced from the depths of Christian contemplative tradition, Centering Prayer has emerged as a life-changing prayer practice for those who embrace it. Centering Prayer is a receptive method of Christian silent prayer that prepares us to receive the gift of contemplative prayer; prayer in which we experience God’s presence within us, closer than breathing, closer
Annual Day of Reflection with The Rev. Matthew Wright Many thinkers today believe we are entering a "Second Axial Age" -- a great shift in consciousness and spirituality equal to that which produced the headwaters of our great religious traditions between roughly 800-200 BCE. This next shift is related closely to the process of globalization,
Introduction to Centering Prayer Workshop - Online Sat, Jun 1st from 9:00am to 12:00pm US Central Daylight Time This workshop is offered online by the Church of Conscious Harmony. Learn the basics for beginning a Centering Prayer daily practice, using the Contemplative Outreach course based on Fr. Thomas Keating’s book, “Open Mind, Open Heart”. It
All young contemplatives and professionals 50 and under are welcome to this Centering Prayer retreat. Generous scholarships are available. Please email snowmasscoc@gmail.com with questions and interest.
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