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Centering Prayer
Centering Prayer 7-Day Retreat
Knobs Haven Retreat Center 515 Nerinx Road, NerinxA Centering Prayer 7-Day Intensive/Post Intensive Retreat An opportunity to deepen the practice of Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina in an atmosphere of silence, within community, and with an experience
5-day Centering Prayer Retreat
Dominican Retreat and Conference Center 1945 Union Street (Route 7), NiskayunaThe Ground of Our Being led by Fr. Bill Sheehan, OMI For many of us, our contemplative practices are the root and foundation of our spiritual life. Grounded in these
Contemplative Living II – ONLINE
Internet - OnlineI will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. - Ezekiel 36:26 "Contemplative life begins when when take the first step into the