
Contemplative Living II – ONLINE

Internet - Online

I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. - Ezekiel 36:26 "Contemplative life begins when when take the first step into the


Introduction to Centering Prayer

Holy Cross Monastery - New York 1615 Route 9W, West Park

Whether your interest is deepening your relationship with God, relief from the stress of daily life, or learning about contemplative prayer, why not take some time this winter to learn

$100 – $250

Virtual Silent Saturday with Fr Bill Sheehan – via Zoom

Internet - Online

A Silent Saturday provides a few hours that are set aside for Centering Prayer, Lectio Divina, spiritual teaching and reflection. "Come rest awhile with the Lord" in preparation for Holy


Facilitator Training Workshop

The purpose of this workshop is to empower people with a very strong commitment to the practice of Centering Prayer to facilitate Centering Prayer groups. It is impossible to overestimate
